Tuesday, March 10, 2015

How to use a Kimono

Kimonos are worn tightly wrapped around the body from left to right. (Only the kimonos of the dead are wrapped right over left). The actual garment is five inches longer than its wearing length, and it is drawn up and tied with a slim silk cord under the obi so that the hem is at the wearer's heels. The obi adds padding to the middle so that the body is tubular looking, the preferred silhouette in Japan. Worn with the kimono is an undergarment called a shitagi, which is simply a thin under-kimono. The juban is another undergarment, worn short by men and long for women. Its neckband, or eri, is black silk for men and made of crepe or plain silk for women.

How to put on a yukata kimono and hanhaba (half breadth) obi. 

 It stops rather abruptly but the last bit would just show that she just pulls the entire obi round so the bow sits at the centre back, then makes sure the kimono is still lying smoothly.

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